Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A Note

Now, I haven't written anything in awhile, but I have to say that I'm psyched that people are giving props to Jesse Eisenberg. I first noticed him in Adventureland, a lip-bitingly average movie with an acceptable cast and cute storeline. However, I first realized that I was a fan when I saw him in Zombieland, a combination awesome monster flick/Woody Harrelson masterpiece. I said to my friends "it's Michael Cera with talent and a variety of emotions!" (I should note that I like Michael Cera, and loved Arrested Development.)
Eisenberg is one of those actors who I believe and want to see become a star (or at least, frequently cast). I have yet to see "the Social Network", and have no interest in the story itself. However, I am psyched to see what is being lauded as a great performance. I'm a huge movie nerd that hasn't seen a movie in awhile due to the stress of a mediocre life, but I'm going to drag myself out of it long enough to show fiscal faith to a promising actor (although I'll be out soon after to see "Red" because... well... how can you not?)

The end of my little pro-actor rant. For a full list of favorite actors and actresses that I like, see the next time I get dorky enough to write something.